Friday, September 12, 2014

Fighting terrorism

On September 10, 2014, BBC News published an article titled "As it happened: Obama addresses nation on fight against IS" in which it guides us step by step to the president's strategy to degrade and destroy Isis. "Isil" is not Islamic , no religion would let this act of terrorism happen. This fight is different than the one we saw in Afghanistan because the United States will face terrorism without having US troops on the ground, instead we will be sending airstrikes against these terrorist, provide additional support to the Syrian opposition and Iraqi security forces and send additional troops to Iraq that won't get involved in any ground attacks. Moreover the president asked the congress to give him permission to train and equip opposition fighters in Syria. In addition the humanitarian aids won't stop, it will be provided to all kind of religions out there. As the President said "if you threaten America, you will find no safe haven". This article covers Obama's plan to destroy terrorism that might form a threat to our homeland and some support and critics of other governors. The next few month are very critical and it is important to know what the president's plan is to end this horrifying and most terrifying organization.