Friday, November 14, 2014

Minimum Wage

Reading through the editorial piece, I can only feel for what the speaker is talking about.  The speaker is so angry at the current state of the economy despite the fact that everybody, including the President and governors, postulating the negative effects of the matter to citizens. There is basically some truth about what the speaker posits in regards to who the minimum wage greatly affects. In fact, it is posited that the citizens, have for a longer period of time, failed to comprehend that minimum wages affects the older people as opposed to teenage workers.
Another important argument that the speaker puts across relates to the manner for which the level of minimum wage has continued to remain at a low despite a relative increase in the level of living expenses.Firsthand life experience of the speaker ascertains the fact that the current American economy cannot allow one to live alone and afford to a comfortable lifestyle. This is because they are forced to seek the comfort of life by living with roommates as a way of sharing costs attributed to leading a relative comfortable life.
In my opinion, it is ironical that the country’s political figures are leading a fore-front public campaign aimed at sensitizing people about the need for raising the current minimum wage of $8 an hour instead of concentrating on the formulation of policies that can help improve the condition. The reality of the matter is that the affluent population seems to be leading a comfortable lifestyle at the expense of the struggling economy.  It is also ironical that a person would need a degree or a learned trade in order to secure a fair-paying job despite the fact that school seems to have shifted to a luxurious service category in the United States of America. Thus, I think that the speaker is very certain on his arguments in regards to the way the economy is operating to oppress the struggling class of the society.

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